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Nutritional Coaching Program

Nutritional coaching is for anyone who:

  • Is tired of restrictive or fad diets 

  • Is sick of losing weight only to gain it back (and then some)

  • Wants to find “balance” and adopt healthier yet sustainable habits

  • Has an aesthetic goal (weight loss, more muscle, weight gain, etc)

  • Wants a healthier relationship with food

  • Would like extra support, guidance, and accountability

  • Wants to gain confidence with planning & preparing more nutritious meals / snacks


Options for nutritional coaching range from 1x consultations up to 3, 6, or 12 month commitments depending on your health, fitness, and aesthetic goals. 


All nutrition clients will receive a customized nutrition plan, which breaks down your recommended daily macronutrient ratios (protein, carbs, fats). Calorie targets and hand size portions are also discussed for those of you who are not familiar with macro tracking. Education is provided regarding your preferred tracking method. 


Monthly clients will receive a weekly email check-in for support, accountability, and guidance. The weekly check-in allows us to celebrate your wins along the way and discuss strategies to help overcome obstacles that you frequently face. The email also includes an informative newsletter regarding various nutrition, health, and fitness topics. Monthly clients also have access to a private Facebook group, which contains recipes, grocery hauls, motivational quotes, etc. 


This program is NOT a quick fix method. Instead, we focus on gradually building healthier habits that are sustainable long-term. My goal is to help each client nail the foundations of nutrition and gain more confidence with building a balanced plate, regardless of where the meal is eaten. A flexible approach focusing on consistency (instead of perfection) tends to make the process more enjoyable & sustainable. 


No foods are off limits. You can literally eat whatever you want, BUT you cannot eat as much as you want. That’s where we come in and help!


“How do I know which program is best for me?”

  • 1x Consultation (in person or virtual): ideal for anyone looking to improve eating habits, learn more about tracking methods, address questions/concerns regarding nutrition. 1x consultations can be beneficial at the beginning of a 3, 6, or 12 month commitment but are not required. 1x consultations are perfect for anyone who has tracked in the past or does not feel the need to have consistent accountability.

  • 3 Month Commitment: ideal for anyone looking to maintain weight or lose <20 lbs

  • 6 Month Commitment: ideal for anyone looking to lose 20-40 lbs

  • 12 Month Commitment: ideal for anyone looking to lose 40+ lbs


To apply for nutritional coaching & for additional information

regarding pricing, please fill out a nutrition application here!

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