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Semi-Custom Orthotic Assessments

Our feet play an extremely important role in our day to day functions!

   They provide cushion & also absorb shock.

   They need to be able to move in all directions & have adequate strength to walk on uneven surfaces, go up/down stairs, push off for jogging/jumping, and land softly to absorb impact.

Poor foot/ankle control, improper alignment, poor mechanics, or lack of mobility will affect the way the knee, hip, pelvis, AND pelvic floor functions! This can contribute to pain up the chain, an uneven gait pattern, pressure, and even urinary leakage!

Flat feet = poor foot stability // High arches = poor shock absorbers

We cannot change the way our feet are shaped, but we can invest in more supportive footwear. Semi-custom orthotics help to bring your foot to a more “neutral” position for optimal support and stability. Dr. Courtney can assess your foot type and fit you for semi-custom orthotics that you will be able to take home the same day. Many people find this type of shoe insert more comfortable than custom orthotics, the modification process is much quicker, and they are much more affordable.  


If you already have a pair of orthotics, Dr. Courtney can assess them to see if additional modifications would be beneficial versus investing in a new pair. Don’t forget to bring a pair of comfortable tennis shoes with you so that you can test out orthotics during your appointment. 


We want to ensure your orthotics are comfortable and work well for you, therefore we recommend a 15 to 30 minute follow up appointment after this session.  

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